okey..tidak terlambat untuk saya mengucapkan selamat berpuasa..salam ramadhan to u guys...
i just wanna ask u guys..how much support u give when a friend in need of them???
selalu nya orang akan cakap "ko buat ja, aku support ko dari belakang"
how it worth when u just support it from the back???hehehe
what we call as omong kosong...
i just give u three situation::
a friend have a crush on someone....and tell his buddies bout it....then the buddies actually support him a lot..but they dont know how to help him..so they just say " go ahead, kami sokong dari belakang!" sedangkan diorang just watch because they themsef not really want to help and dont have any idea on how they can help either...but deep inside their heart, they really support their friend..
and here i think there suppose to be another phrase on how we should support our friend...which are
"aku sokong kau dari tepi!" and "aku sokong kau dari depan"
how it works? how logic it is?
"aku sokong kau dari tepi" meaning that u really give a good idea and give help. sebagai contoh kau nak jual nasi lemak, then kau voice kat kawan kau, kawan kau pun tolong sama kau buat nasi lemak sama2 kau so kau boleh tolong jual nasi lemak tu...tu lah di namakan "aku tolong kau dari tepi"
then satu lagi, kau nak jadi penyanyi, kau tau suara kau sedap..kau luahkan kat kawan kau..then kawan kau cari producer untuk kau, buat semua untuk kau supaya kau bole jadi penyanyi terkenal, tu barulah dinamakan tolong dari depan... maksudnya, dia tolong kau yang paling advance sudah....which mean jrang2 kawan kau bole buat tu untuk kau...
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