Sunday, September 27, 2015

Cinta Yang Musnah

Terpanggil untul menulis, setelah lama tidak tertulis...

seorang sahabat meluah rasa terpendam
tentang cinta yang hampir musnah

lalu hati turut berduka
kerna hati ini juga punya rasa

mengapa cinta itu didusta?
sedangkan kau pernah berkongsi duka

dia pernah bertakhta di hati
dia yang dipuja puji sebelum ini

tak usah bersedih
kerana cinta manusia ini semenata

perpisahan itu pasti
walau dengan pelbagai cara

sesungguhnya cinta itu keindahan dunia
tapi cinta juga kemusnahan hati

semoga diberi kekuatan
biar kita berbicara dengan tuhanmu...

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wipe the dust and dirts


sempena 1st ramadhan ni...i came back an i would love to write something. "just to wipe the dirt and dust in here" ;)

there isnt much i wanna say.

because i just dont feel like to say something.

but then i am grateful because some of my wishlist was is accomplished..yay 'alhamdulillah'

what was that? ==Biarlah rahsia "bak kata TOKTI"

and i hope great opportunities will come soon since i am still jobless. kerja-tukarkerja-rehat-then taktahuapadaaaa

get married? oh IN SHAA Allah..doakan rezeki itu datang.

what else?
semoga rezeki itu ada bersamaku kelak. amin.

selamat berbuka puasa..tahun ni puasa ngan family lagi yahuu....

alhamdulilah ;)

Sunday, February 8, 2015



lama da saya tidak terasa mau update blog..rasa mcm tidak mau berblog..kenapa? sebab kadang ucapan kita kadang boleh mengguris hati orang...

tapi hari ini setelah setahun buat refleksi diri...then saya sedar saya telah buat satu kesalahan...that was a big mistake in life..and cannot be undo...(note that I am typing this blog while listening to indon songs)

that mistakes lies and people hurt...that happened and i didn't manage to handle it a consequences..i live in guilty and that lies forever in my heart...

but the thing is..whatever happened..still i have moved on and look forward...just feeling like..i dont want to get attached too close with people...and still family is my number one...

and mistake lies as mistake and that was a great lesson to be learned! wise be kind is hard for me..but then life is too short to regret everything...just being self is enough...

now  lagu sudah cukup-cukup sudah....macam tau2 saja that i am gonna end my words today...

now 2015..i just wanna b a better person..eventhough it seem "weird" especially to those whom know me well.. ;)...

okay..if i got another chance..i will keep shaa Allah...

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Mimpi?believe it or not?

Ku berlari kau terdiam..
ku menangis kau tersenyum...

ku coba meraih mimpi kau coba hentikan mimpi..

Friday, January 3, 2014


nowadays, paddy planting had consume large amount of water...about 75% of water was consumed only for agricultural sector...

so for my final year project at UiTM Jengka Pahang , i proposed my FYP entitle "The comparisan of transplanting and direct seeding of MR220cv growth performance under aerobic production system"

Aerobic production system

it is the planting method for paddy without using irrigation system (non-flooding) by using lowland varieties (MR220). this varieties had been used only under anaerobic production system (irrigation system) because it produces higher yield under irrigation system.

i was comparing both seeding method which are transplanting and direct seeding.

the result  for my project, i found out that direct seeding better than transplanting, and MR220 was able to survive under aerobic system.

below are some pix during the progression of my final year project <3 p="">

the layout of my field before planting.
this is new for my own knowledge that rodent also disturb paddy..(tikus)

first trial for planting, it was attacked by the ants (i just know that ant eat the spikelet of paddy)

my first impression about snail, they disturb the growth of paddy during germination stage, so i put some siputox to kill them (as in irrigation system, paddy greatest enemy was Siput Gondang)

the emergence of direct seeding

Germination stage..

the emergence of paddy in the trays

a month after transplanting

after doing some weeding activity

Fencing, to avoid crawling animals. p/s: this was the first time paddy was planted in this area, so i have to take much precaution about the pest and disease infestation.

Nur Othman, one of my friends that help me to fence this area

searching for bamboo to make the fence



i am a killer of this grasshopper!!! because they eat my beloved paddy



panicles initiation

another panicles, for direct seeeding they emerge on 84 days after planting. while for transplanting they emerge on 89 days after planting

this is the view of matured paddy plants under aerobic system

unfortunately, our site has been flooded. this is quite disturbing in order for me to get the actual yield for my thesis. but, as long as i got the data untill panicles initiation, then it quite a good proof.

After sad right?

there are lots of limitation that i have been go through during my progression of paddy planting. the first one is the attacked by the ants during germination stage as well as the rodent. i have to repeat my germination for paddy until three times. At the end of reproduction stage, my paddy was sad.

but then, through all the journey that i have been through, praise to Allah for his bless and merciful. i am grateful to have such this journey for once in my life....

ive learned  a lot....and experienced about many things...

thank you to everyone for helping me directly and indirectly...<3 br="">

Monday, December 30, 2013

kehidupan yang serabut???

dengan nama Allah....

alhamdulillah selepas berhempas pulas dengan FYP....kini musim exam pun tiba....
just pray for me...i want to get dean list for this semester..inshaAllah amin... ^^

tidak mengapa kalau kita nak berangan2 bukan? asalkan tidak menganggu hidup orang sudah laaa....
kadang2 kita tak perlu mengharapkan orang akan berbuat baik dengan kita...sebab fitrah manusia samaada mau melayan perasaan ataupun tidak...

ok...inshaAllah ada masa saya nak bercerita tentang FYP saya...tapi sekarang ni saya just nak coret2 yang bukan2 jelaaa..hihi ye laaa...nak exam tulis la apa yng disuka...

tapi..seriously..saya betul2 rasa serabut semenjak dua menjak ni..dont know why...sitambah lagi dengan sakit kepalanya..ditambah lagi dengan sakit hatinya

upssss!..hehe..saya manusia biasa kot..ada juga rasa sakit hati..rasa terbeban....
cumanya..kelemahan saya..saya tak suka tunjuk rasa marah...biarlah, sebab kalau saya tunjuk rasa marah..
saya takut jadi pergaduhan as well as berdendam...nak lari dari masalah pun tidak sama sekali, because i think this only a small matter laaa....

so, at least sy tak bergaduh dengan orang dahlaaa..let me live in peace as i pleased...cumanya ini tiada sangkut paut dengan cerita dulu, cerita dulu saya dah lupakan..kita buka buku baru..masing2 dah besar kan...well..memaafkan itu labih baik...berdendam itu jangan sekali...

dah tu...take home test saya baru je siap hari ni...orang lain dah siap dah,,siap bagi pinjam kat kawan2 lain plak tu..huhuhu..teroknya saya ni..huhuhuhu

kadang2 saya rasa nak bersendirian jaaa...kalau berdua pun saya nak org yang kedua tu pendiam je n tak banyak cakap...pening kapala deh..belum sembuh sepenuhnya dari FYP...i mean this moment...saya akan jadi aktif balik kalau lepas doing some workout mcm jogging..cycling..mmg betullah..kalau kita bersenam...badan sihat..otak pun cergas....fuhhhh....

adush..adush,..adush...fikir itu la..ini laaaa....adush..adush.....

memang la blog ni medium yang bagus untuk menghentam diri sendiri kan...well..this blog is mine... <3 br="">

Sunday, December 8, 2013



hati2 memilih hati takut termakan hati..
hati2 memberi hati takut terlebih hati.. something that we our self cannot define what truly inside our hati...
pepatah melayu juga cakap..

"rambut sama hitam, tapi hati lain2"

every man...have different characteristic of heart..
have different thought...
have different behavior....

everything is different....

setiap orang pasti ingin tahu hati seseorang di balik lindungan wajah...
namun, sebenarnya walaupun kita katakan sesuatu, belum tentu itulah sebenar2nya yang hendak kita katakan...

kadang2 kita sendiri tak tahu apa yang hati kita nak...
kadang2 kita mengharap orang akan memahami kita dengan cara perlakuan kita..
tapi adakah ianya melambangkan hati kita?
sebab itu, hanya kita dan Allah sahaja tau apa yang tersirat dan tersurat di hati kita...

kadang2 kita juga perlu jaga hati,
lebih senang hati kalau kita hidup tanpa menyentuh hati sesiapapun..
namun apakan dia kita manusia biasa...tidak sempurna itu fitrah..

"ditelan mati emak, diluah mati bapa"

adalah situasi yang sangat sukar sebenarnya...
susah nak jaga hati ni...hatta hati sendiri pun susah nak dijaga...

itu lah uniknya hati,...