first of all...i wanna express my deepest feeling bout my examination...
i feel awkward! poor scared!i've done my best but not through the best method.. just dont let ur word i tell u guys bout my deepest feeling bout my exam...
how bout urs?
im sure each one of us mast have something...really something that we wanna say..but we cant...and im sure..there must b some reason for not telling the true colour of ur heart right?i feel awkward! poor scared!i've done my best but not through the best method.. just dont let ur word i tell u guys bout my deepest feeling bout my exam...
how bout urs?
okeh.... 1st situation...
we fall in love with someone..but we dont have any courage to tell him/her...just because we afraid of being rejected( usually for men).. and mostly for women..they afraid nanti apa pula org ckp.. "perigi mencari timba" nti...hehe...

2nd situation...
kita buat salah kat someone..but kita x berani to ask for kita diamkan diri je laa....kita takut nak cakap may be becoz we afraid to make him/her getting mad more than before or may be nak jaga maruah la katakan..."kalau sy yang minta maaf jatuh la pride sy..."
3rd situation..
we really in need..but very helpless...we wanna ask for help..but no one we cant get through as a result we just keep quiet..and let the things even worsen..till somebody as us if we need their hand..."nak minita tolong..haish..malu laa.." ye la may be juga kita pernah buat jahat ngan dia before kita jd ssh nak terus terang..nak mnta laaa...ego klu dah tinggi..tinggi la sgt..pergh..
based on the 3 situation...what do u thnk off...
the 1st thing bout love...
as my friend experienced it before...she said that "klu kita tidak berterus terang..itu lebih menyakitkan..cakaplah kepadanya..biarpun hati kita terluka..kerana selepas confess..kita akan rasa tenang sikit..dan perasaan towards him/her akan berkurangan"...
ye pun pernah juga baca.."kalau kita suka kat someone..jgn bgtau dia..nanti Allah kurangkan rasa cinta kita padanya..tapi bagitau kat Allah...that we realy wanna have him/her in our life!yup..cus Allah can do anything!"
the second situation...apologize...
dlm dunia ni ada dua hubungan yg kita perlu jaga....which are habluminallah..and hablumninnas...iaitu hubungan dengan Allah dan hubungan sesama manusia...
klu kita ada wat dosa...ask forgiveness from Allah..but if we did hurt someone...we should ask forgiveness from that person..huhu..
so as we still have time..just apologize for what we have done!...human doesnt live let ur word unspoken..or else u'll regret it for ur whole life...sebagai contoh..kita sakitkan hati mak kita..then kita tak nak mnta maaf..kita biarkan jauh d sudut hatikita sygkan mak kita ego nak mnta maaf kat the time passed...ibu kita di jemput ilahi...and kita belum mnta maaf kat ibu kita...sedangkan syurga itu d telapak kaki ibu....terlajak tekan pedal boleh break..terlajak naik bole turun..kalau terlajak melukai, it takes time to recover..and sometime we cant even cure it!!...
as for the 3rd situation...guidance!
yeah..we cant live alone in this can u treat ur wound at the back???u still need someone!..jgn temberang la ckp "eh aku bole aje tinggal sorng2..aku tak perlukan korng semua"..common isnt wonderful as we owes want it to be!...
kalau kita need help..just ask for the help..jgn nak berlagak laaa...ok..sebagai contoh..kita ada masalah duit..sgt2 kritikal...nak mnta parent malu..sbb bru minggu lalu kita mnta a result..terpksa pnjam jap ngn kawan..laa sikit je laaa..utk mkn je pon...taappiii..klu kita tak ckp cm na org tau yg kita dlm kesusahan btol x???so? dont let ur word unspoken...
okeh..i admit not all of us can do la ada org lebih senang mendiamkan diri.."biarlah aku tanggung sendiri semuanya..." ada juga yg tak tahan..nak juga bgtau..sbb hati ni kan mcm lbh sakit klu kita pendam sorng2..cewaaah....

apa pun...put Allah first..tell Allah..luahkan segalanya pada DIA..sesungguhnya..dia lebih tahu apa yg kita tak tahu..>>psttt..pas ni cari lagu nasyid tajuk HANYA TUHAN YANG TAHU<<<<
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