Friday, January 27, 2012

cuti tak perlu kata apa2~


Cuti secuti-cutinya…..

Ok…sekarang ni tgh cuti sem..i feel like…whoaaaa….i wanna sleep and eat everytime and surely gain weight!..o my Allah..i gain my weigh again?huhuhu…

Today..i wanna share bout my life recently…hehehe…

On 23rd jan..i’ve landed..home sweet home..wait for my coming..cewaaaa..hehehe..

Unfortunately im not directly going back to my house even though I ‘ve landed at 2 o’clock…jalan2 dlu sekitar KK baaa…

Then im visiting my grandma..and attend kenduri doa selamat for my Uncle..pray for him spya lekas2 sembuh yee..insyaAllah…

I arrived at my home sweet home at 11.30 PM o’clock..can u imagine??? Then got blackout…huh! Tidur dalam kegelapan..laaa mcm x biasa kan??kikiki…

U know what impress me bout my self?hehe I manage to finish a novel within for less than 24 hours…haha..i dunno whether to novel Is sooo intresting..or im the one who really free and doing nothing…novel tu tajuknya “akhirnya aku khawin”..mengisahkan pasal pompuan kategori comel (muk2) yg akhirnya berkahwin..hehehe..kira mcm sy jugak la…chubby is cute kan???? Tp bezanya im not into getting married yet okeh!

Wewewe…musim buah2 lah msh…so petang2 bapa suh p petik rambutan ..and nanti mak jual…biasa org len klu dia pegi petik then duit tu dia sy x…huhuhu..but I dun care..sbb nti klu sy masuk sem baru..diorng jg bg saya I really2 dun care at all!!!! hepi seeing them hepi…(pergh..ayat2 anak perasan mithali la kononnya tu…cesss!) hahaha

Then one thing that makes me hepi soo much is…all my family (yg ada dekat2 sini je laa)..balik…except for my brother yg keja d Kajang..wiwiwiw…and once again I become “makcik yg berjaya”..hohoho..garang niii….hm makcik bole la..klu buang cik kat belakang tu..belu bole lg laaa..

Okeh..year before..i put some entry with some love story of mine..but now no more (>_<)..yi haaa…

Dah 3 bulan I’ve been like this..and I enjoy mylife..with stories and dories..everything I put to Allah..yakin dengan segala yang terjadi pasti ada hikmahnya…apa pun terjadi pasrah dan redha je laa…

Eh3..mcm promote la pulak..kikiki...(its not okeh!).but it really2 disturbing me..annoy me…so I decide to forget everything and buka buku baru…huhuhuhu..

one more thing...hurm..i've fallen for???..

haha..this is just a nonsense story of mine..just wanna fulfill my pleasure time...

Hurm..nti buka sem x sabar nk much I gain my weight..uwaaaa!!!!!...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

dont let ur word unspoken!

peace upon u guys!!

first of all...i wanna express my deepest feeling bout my examination...
i feel awkward! poor scared!i've done my best but not through the best method.. just dont let ur word i tell u guys bout my deepest feeling bout my exam...
how bout urs?
im sure each one of us mast have something...really something that we wanna say..but we cant...and im sure..there must b some reason for not telling the true colour of ur heart right?

okeh.... 1st situation...
we fall in love with someone..but we dont have any courage to tell him/her...just because we afraid of being rejected( usually for men).. and mostly for women..they afraid nanti apa pula org ckp.. "perigi mencari timba" nti...hehe...

2nd situation...
kita buat salah kat someone..but kita x berani to ask for kita diamkan diri je laa....kita takut nak cakap may be becoz we afraid to make him/her getting mad more than before or may be nak jaga maruah la katakan..."kalau sy yang minta maaf jatuh la pride sy..."

3rd situation..
we really in need..but very helpless...we wanna ask for help..but no one we cant get through as a result we just keep quiet..and let the things even worsen..till somebody as us if we need their hand..."nak minita tolong..haish..malu laa.." ye la may be juga kita pernah buat jahat ngan dia before kita jd ssh nak terus terang..nak mnta laaa...ego klu dah tinggi..tinggi la sgt..pergh..

based on the 3 situation...what do u thnk off...

the 1st thing bout love...
as my friend experienced it before...she said that "klu kita tidak berterus terang..itu lebih menyakitkan..cakaplah kepadanya..biarpun hati kita terluka..kerana selepas confess..kita akan rasa tenang sikit..dan perasaan towards him/her akan berkurangan"...
ye pun pernah juga baca.."kalau kita suka kat someone..jgn bgtau dia..nanti Allah kurangkan rasa cinta kita padanya..tapi bagitau kat Allah...that we realy wanna have him/her in our life!yup..cus Allah can do anything!"

the second situation...apologize...
dlm dunia ni ada dua hubungan yg kita perlu jaga....which are habluminallah..and hablumninnas...iaitu hubungan dengan Allah dan hubungan sesama manusia...
klu kita ada wat dosa...ask forgiveness from Allah..but if we did hurt someone...we should ask forgiveness from that person..huhu..
so as we still have time..just apologize for what we have done!...human doesnt live let ur word unspoken..or else u'll regret it for ur whole life...sebagai contoh..kita sakitkan hati mak kita..then kita tak nak mnta maaf..kita biarkan jauh d sudut hatikita sygkan mak kita ego nak mnta maaf kat the time passed...ibu kita di jemput ilahi...and kita belum mnta maaf kat ibu kita...sedangkan syurga itu d telapak kaki ibu....terlajak tekan pedal boleh break..terlajak naik bole turun..kalau terlajak melukai, it takes time to recover..and sometime we cant even cure it!!...

as for the 3rd situation...guidance!
yeah..we cant live alone in this can u treat ur wound at the back???u still need someone!..jgn temberang la ckp "eh aku bole aje tinggal sorng2..aku tak perlukan korng semua"..common isnt wonderful as we owes want it to be!...
kalau kita need help..just ask for the help..jgn nak berlagak laaa...ok..sebagai contoh..kita ada masalah duit..sgt2 kritikal...nak mnta parent malu..sbb bru minggu lalu kita mnta a result..terpksa pnjam jap ngn kawan..laa sikit je laaa..utk mkn je pon...taappiii..klu kita tak ckp cm na org tau yg kita dlm kesusahan btol x???so? dont let ur word unspoken...

okeh..i admit not all of us can do la ada org lebih senang mendiamkan diri.."biarlah aku tanggung sendiri semuanya..." ada juga yg tak tahan..nak juga bgtau..sbb hati ni kan mcm lbh sakit klu kita pendam sorng2..cewaaah....

apa pun...put Allah first..tell Allah..luahkan segalanya pada DIA..sesungguhnya..dia lebih tahu apa yg kita tak tahu..>>psttt..pas ni cari lagu nasyid tajuk HANYA TUHAN YANG TAHU<<<<

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


with da name of ALLAH...

First of all sy gembira sgt2...alhamdulillah ya Rabb..paper dah abes...redha dan tawakal je la dgn apa yang bakal berlaku..

ye la..saya rasa nak share sal ni okeh!
hari tu sy g makan...pas tu sy ternampak ada seorng OKU...dia g mkn dengan 2 org kawannya...
masa tu sy dan kawan2 tgh wat stdy group + seorng dak laki, akim namanya..

akim ckp..dia ( budak OKU tu) dulu normal..sama cm budak lain..pandai..and semualah..tapi dugaan Allah menimpa beliau...dia kemalangan then berubah jd kurang upaya..(nauzubillah)..

saya x tahu kenapa..tapi saya tertarik dengan kawan2 yang sudi menjaga dia...hurm..tu la di namakan kawan dunia akhirat...

u know i've been thinking of both his friend life..are they socialize like others? hurm...for sure yes!.they have their own way on how to do that..

its hard to find a good friend like they did...! believe HARD!...when u such in a burden..rare people want to be by urside...but if they did..appreciate them...!!

insyaAllah i'll do the one is perfect..yet..ALLAH is the best to be by ourside..=)

Thursday, January 12, 2012


i really like to share bout this soooo much...
what happen if u guys face this thing????

rebound ni kalau kita guna google translate maksudnye.."pantulan" dr segi yg sy nak mksdkan disini ialah..kalau ko dah rasa sakit..ko nak org tu sakit hati juga sbb ko dah buat dia sakit..haaa...fhm x?klu x fhm..teruskan je la baca..hehehe

ok this is the situation...
u have a couple..and u have been fallin in love to each other over some years....
then something happen and this make both of u clash or separate...
on the other side ur EX cant accept it....
the EX is finding someone..and yes! he manage to do that...

ok2..then we'll thought..oh.."cepatnya kau cari penganti aku heh"...
then actually the EX just want u to feel pain!..and just want to rebound u ....
(im not saying that this thing is happening to me)...

i just imagine of that for me..
i'll reject badly to that guy (im a girl)...
the reason is..if u cannot afford to accept breaking up...why dont u try ur best to protect the relationship????
why should you find another???cos im sure that both of them still have "some" feel towards each other...heh!daripada sakitkan hati org??

but im very sure...for someone who doing this "mestilah disebabkan sedikit perasaan yang masih tersisa" right?
kalau dah xde sure...u r not going to do this...sbb pekara ni pun terjadi disebabkan kita masih sgt2 sygkan pasangan kita kan..

eh2..kenapa aku mcm emo je ni???ehehehe,,,
bukan emo...saje2 tunjuk perasaan...sebab actually i dun really like someone who did thiis!!..i hate..i hate..i hate....

sebab perasaan yg seorang lg akan terluka..may b the one who just the "Item" for rebounding dah syg sgt2 toward the EX..kan sgt2 kasihan?....
not good for others ok...

so how to overcome???
dont do that at home...!!!hehe....
bole je u shud terus terang la ngn "bakal" kapel baru tu..terus terang yang u masih sayang kat EX U!....mane tau u betul2 tersangkut kat dia herted-fully g2...cewaaaaah....

itu from my deepest opinion laaa....kalau sy ialah someone yang clash dan my EX do that to me...i wont accept him anymore...!

but the real best thing ever is...if u really love she /he..ask Allah and tell Allah....have bless and pray..semoga hubungan berkekalan dan mendapat redha ilahi...

Thursday, January 5, 2012


situasi yang hangat meniti di setiap bibir2 masyarakat tidak kira tua..muda...miskin POLITIK..

im fade up with all these things....

someone please tell me specifically what amused u bout politic?
menuntut hak??
hak yang mcmmana???
as a student..we have our own responsibility...
which get a good result and contribute the welfare to people that in need!
as well as to fulfiill the requisition of fardu kifayah...

first thing first::(correct me if im wrong)

AUKU issue...which is interrelated with student.."pelajar tidak dibenarkan berpolitik"
in my deepest opinion...i wasting time for us to get involve...
memadailah kalau kita tahu bout all the current issue..
#mungkin sebab aku tak faham apa itu politik...#

tapi Mahathir sendiri ckp...sebagai student..tugas kita adalah untuk nak peningkan kepala??pegi lah belajar...
tak kira UMNO,PAS or whatsoever..they dont give good result to us..they even cant develop any of our skill...they just want their party to win and conquer this lovely country!...
#i dont care whoever thay long as they perform the best for our country#

lagi2 isu Adam adli...laa...tak de berita laen ke???kan best kalau ada berita.."pelajar Malaysia berjaya mencipta telefon bimbit tanpa skrin"...or anything that make people proud with us....especially our berita pelajar turunkan bendere najib...ish2....tidak salah just dont make something that affect other people life..its annoying ok!
# saya pun nak jadi mcm mereka2 yg mengharumkan nama Islam,negara,mak bapa..tapi...?#

ok..saya mungkin tidak faham apa itu politik..tapi saya faham sangat erti bersyukur...
Alhamdulillah ya RABB..for letting me alive till this year....
bersyukur kerana diberi peluang untuk melanjutkan pelajar sampai ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi....tidak semua orang dapat peluang yang sama..ramai lagi student..or ex-student mahu belajar di IPTA/IPTS..but..they cant! may be for financial problem..or result ke..or..pe2 je laa...
#bersyukur dapat masuk universiti, kelak boleh dapat kerja yang elok..dapat balas jasa ibu bapa..hehehe#

for me, saya tinggal di kawasan pendalaman...without water supply and electricity...
but i manage to live like dulu2 pun xde jugak letrik dan bekalan air..tapi idop jg kan?same goes wit my kampung...and now baru ade pembangunan..u know how i feel???
im happy..because i have an experience to live and to differentiate two way of lifestyle!...
u feel it then u know..
apa kaitan dengan politik???.kaitannya.."demand"..
we have high the time pass..with more educated people...siapa pun mesti demand nye tinggi kan? tak kisah la in term of salary kee..
student pun ada demand juga..nak join politik...heeee..tapi rasanya kan bagus kalau demand mau something yang boleh menyenangkan semua org..bukan buat demo...menyusahkan orang je...
#aku betul2 xfhm sal politik#

ok..may be aku cakap sedap mulut aku je..tapi sebenarnya aku benci tgk posts and updates org..semua ckp sal benda yang sama,.then gado!tak sefahaman..and so on...porak poranda la hidup kalau asyik piker sal politik jeee.....exam aku tak abes ag nih...tu aku sakit hati baca posts and discussion org yg ckp sal politik ni...
#rupanya aku ni sedang tension...tu la asyik merepek je#

one more thing..bersyukur la dengan apa yang telah orang berikan kepada kamu...kerana belum tentu kita akan dapat benda yang sama di kemudian hari....
#dulu kita dah merdeka, adakah kita akan merdeka kemumdian hari?#

again, bersyukurlah dengan nikmat yang Allah telah berikan...cuba sebarkan dengan cara yang lebih berhemah dan baik...
#tolongla jangan kaitkan dengan politik#

again and again..jangan mainkan Islam dengan helah politik...boleh rosak akidah umat...
#aku cakap bukan ikut sedap mulut jeee...tapi it real! #

more than again...bukan aku tak nak amik tahu hal negaraku yang tercintaaa...tapi..bila kita tgk sedalam2nya situasi sekarang semua obses dgn parti politiknya tersendiri..

we can see, umat Islam menjatuhkan maruah umat Islam yang lain..untuk menang!
umat Islam memperlekehkan isu agama..untuk menang!
#banyak beb..aku malas nak list..korng pun dah besar..#

so..kita sebagai rakyat..berdoalah..supaya Allah bagi yang terbaik untuk negara kita..
Doa lah senjata yang paling ampuh bagi kita umat Islam..
kalau kita semua berdoa benda yang sama,...#dari mencaci si polanbin si polan #..
it would be better...
#ya Allah selamatkan lah negara ku....amin ya Rabb...#

one more thing...pendidik adalah aset penting dalam pembentukan remaja...dan sekarang ni mmg ramai sgt la student2 yang bakal jadi guru2 ingat..niat kena betulll...
nak jadi guru untuk mendidik anak bangsa..jangan kerana mempertaruhkan sesuatu yang belum pasti ianya sudah berkecai..
#cita2 aku pun nak jadi guru jugak#

last..aku bukan berniat nak kutuk Adam..UMNO..PAS...or sesiapa sja..
aku saja ingin meluahkan rasa hati..
i know correct me in a well manner...
i just loved peace and hormony soo much..but me myself dont know how to make it for real...
#tak memadai kalau ada segelintir je yang hendakkan benda yang sama#

p/s::exam still in progresss......ketensionan berlaku menyebabkan aku buka blog aku di waktu2 kritikal ni..sorry if i hurt u......lagi hanya pandangan aku insan yang lemah dan kurang pengetahuan..=))