mati itu pasti...hidup insyaAllah...
hehe..tetiba je teringat kata2 ni...pendek tp sgt bermakna tau..
ada lg yg slalu sy baca..
"cinta kan bunga,bunga kan layu..
cintakan harta, hartakan habis..
cintakan manusia, manusia kan mati..
cinta Allah, cinta abadi.."
im not categorize as a good person..but nothing wrong if sy ckp sume bnde ni...
yes i've done a lot of mistakes...yes i do many sins...
but as a human i am not perfect...
but i may not be ur puppet..
for u to kick when u r in anger..
for u to play when u get bored..
i dun need other people to sympathy on me..
but they recognize how do i look like...
it seem they care so much bout me..
than u...
anything i can't do...
i cannot give the best for my friends..
who always be my side during my bad time..
i cannot share my happiness with them
all i need to do with u..
eh..mengarut betul la ko ni ehan..
tetiba jeee...
haha..yes i am...
im not in a good mood..
thanks mate!
for cheering my days..
makes my life meaningful..
with tears and sorrow..
i manage to live like heaven..
all this is my own request...
no regret...
this is the best...
ends of all stories..and this is my new beginning...
my new chapter of life...
meeting new people..
be nice and be friend with them...
we live temporarily..
so do i am... i say just now...
all those love is also temporary...
except Allah..
so..if we are in such a burden..
ask him..tell him..
he grant all the wishes from sumone..
who really in need and have faith with HIM..
we are not belong to sumone...
we belong to Allah..
HE create us..and HE takes our soul..
when the right time is come...
but when..its all we dunno..
and no one will no..
all the magician stuff and theories..
are stupid at all..i dont believe in them..
but it really work by having syaitan..
to help them...
oh..ehan ..ko dah mengarut bnyk sgt...
can u stop it ehan??
ouh.i cant..
haha..darah panas msih mengalir..
hahaha...(evil laugh)..
i know..
Allah already decide the best for our life..
it our own choice ..
but i hope...all the bad memories is gone,,
i dont need them anymore...
LOVE is universal... people who love u...
love people who hates u...

all i do is pray...
pray to Allah..
to give the best for me..
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