Friday, November 29, 2013

my clothes worth RM 3.00 for laundry!

in the name of Allah ...

in hostel lifestyle, we dine at cafeteria, take turn for shower or else we have to queue in order to get a room for shower as well as the toilet...

same goes to laundry my hostel they also provide us  2 washing machines. we need to insert rm 2.00 coins in order to run the washing machine..they also provide a place  for us if we wanna wash clothes by hand...meaning that, there is a dobby room in my hostel..(in every hostel  for sure)

but it is not the main story i want to talk about. i was just feel so annoying before...

i was about to wash a buck of the clothes...and unfortunately the machine just accept 50 cents coins..i dont have any. yet, i went to a friend of mine and borrowed her triplet of 50 cent coins...feel lazy to move ^^

happily, i inserting the coin to the machine hole one by one. hoping for resting while waiting for the machine to be finished. unfortunately, after the second  50 cent, the machine did not respond to my others 50 there is no 50 cents left in my pocket.

i hit the hole of the machine, but nothing happen...i saw my watch 10.46 PM...the money changer is at the next block...whoa...feel soo lazzy and dizzy at the same time

unluckily, the other machine  has been used by someone (i dont know her either, i was thinking to used that too) but things that happened to me happened to her. so, we shared the same problem.. but her clothes was inside the machine together with the detergent.. such a waste if she just taken her clothes away..

i saw she kinda stress same like me, and going to somewhere (her dorm, i guess).. i was about to wash the clothes manually,  i take two pails (since a buck of clothes await me)..then the girl came again and inserting something and she managed to run the machine..

i ask her " how did you do to ?" then she  replied " im using the new 50 cent coin, the old 50 cent is bigger, maybe it couldnt pass the hole"...

old 50 cent
new coins style
then with hope, i went to the next block to change the money...with my pajamas and my pinky sweater...i run to the next block..

then i try once again, ....yeah!! it did i thanked to her...

so today i wash my clothes worth Rm3.00 instead of RM 2,00....
deep inside my heart says that
 "as if i changed the money earlier instead of borrowing my friends coins"

there is hope for every problem...i believe in that!
then dont hesitate to ask other people for help...
that the lesson i get today....

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Siti Nurhaliza VS Aku


perhatikan gambar bawah ni lama2 dan penuh penghayatan dulu.....errrrrr..
tapi sebelum baca dengan lebih detail..
sila sedia kan plastik ataupun mangkuk berdekatan...
paling bagosss baca entry ni kat dalam toilet..haahh senang kerja kau nanti....

aku kat atas tuh, siti kat bawah...

erk..takkan la korg tak kenal kan...D.Siti Nurhaliza tu.. kalau aku tak dikenali memang aku tak heran laaaa....tapi kalau aku dikenali aku jadi heran sangat2....tapi tu mimpi semata...hehehe

apa yang aku nak ketengahkan ni?????? conspiracy!!! jeng..jeng..jeng....

aku sebenarnya nak perasaan....sama tak muka aku dengan Siti..hahaha..(gelak besar nak pengsan)

dulu masa sekolah rendah...kiranya masa tu aku kecik dan kurus la...kawan aku tu cakap muka aku ngan siti serupaje ..ayah dia pun cakap benda yang sama, kalau siti buat performance kat pentas ayah dia cakap "c ehan tu kat TV"...tapi masa tu aku tak de perasaan aku buat biasa je...tapi sebenarnya hati aku berbunga riang juga...tapi aku nafi kan sambil gelak besar je...kang aku plak yang over!!

tapi bila da tua bangka lagi gemuk gedempol ni, baru aku nak terhegeh2 cakap muka kami sama....dah tu aku announce kat belog plak tu....isk..isk..isk....overkonpiden ni!

" maca sama jew....macam sama jew..macam sama jew...macam perasan lebey..choiiii!!!!!"

tapi kan aku tengok pun tak sama sebenarnya..tapi cheek kmi quite alike...i guesss... lalalalla~
that is why we look alike......XDXDXD

nampak tak dah terlebih perasaan disitu...walaupun orang tak nak mengakui kami ni sama....
aku tetap nak cakap yang kami ni sama tapi tak serupa....

dua2 pun suara sedap...cuma bezanya kalau Siti nyanyi semua orang tepuk tangan...tapi kalau aku yang nyanyi semua orang tepuk kat dahi pulak... hadoiii!!!!!! (>_<)

okey la...dah penat nak perasan...gambar ni aku edit guna photoscape...aku nak guna software yang hebat2 aku tak reti...aku ni bukan photograper's eye...

sampai disini saja aku berceloteh ^^
salam sayang dari saya KAK LIZA =P

Friday, November 22, 2013

Schedule of Life

is something unavoidable...
but relieving...

is a must..
to show that we are right...
and we have that right..

a power of life...
if we keep it..
we'll live up high..

is precious..
appreciation for the soul
so the soul keep living

what we have to deny
 we have to deny
 what we have to obey
we have to obey

 life is full of sorrow..
the sorrow of sadness
but dont envy the roses
the roses might blossom 
to swipe the dull into happiness

shows the true heart
the heart of being human
to do or to die?

why hesitate to move on..
while we have the chance 
the chance to reach the sky
to grab the stars

we all hoping for having it
but it just a fiction of life
dreaming is everyone doing
but to make the dream come true
its all about magic

why ask from the wrong person..
there is the one who never deny
the presence is inevitable
because  the presence is true 
yet everywhere

if we looking around,we'll know
we'll know who can we ask from
life was scheduled,
and the source is only ONE..

Thursday, November 21, 2013


with the name of Allah...

nak dijadikan cerita..hari ni aku ada test pada malam hari, tapi aku da janji nak tolong member aku kat aku turun kiranya nk g lab..aku bawa bju lab sekali doh...

but i brought some of my la mana tau ada pleasure time sket kn buleh la tgk2 notes tu...sekali..xde la pulak benda yang nak d buat...

so...i decide to stay at library for a while...then one of a friend of mine datang..then i ckp sma dia..mari la study sma2..

dia ni alim2, kalau dia buat presentation mcm beri ceramah lagaknya..selalu tegur orang kalau x kena mcm klu tudung singkat dia tegur..kind of la.

then i terfikir nak tanya dia.."perempuan macam mana yang ko suka?"
ye la klu da jenis orang yang macam tu teringin juga i nak tau kan...
then dia balas " yang biasa2 aja"
yang biasa2 aje mcm mana?macam siapa? i tanya balik
pastu i bagi la contoh2 perempuan yng baik2 kat dia..
pastu dia jeling..
dia cakap biarlah hati ini je yang tau
tak payah nak heboh2 kan...mulut manusia ni lain2...rambut je sama hitam...
he insist...then dia ckp la yang i ni kind of menyibuk, tapi in a manner word la
i x terasa pun la....

then i answered him " aku ada hak nak tanya something yang aku rasa nak tanya, dan aku letakkan hak untuk menjawab pada ko sendiri, aku tak paksa ko nak jawab soalan aku, aku cuma serkap jarang je, saje nak psyco ko..sebab kadang2 orang
ni hati dia boleh jadi lembut nak bercerita perihal sesuatu kalau psyco kita mengena "

dia diam n senyum....yay..i menang..!! tp sebenarnya dalam hati ni pun mengakui juga...

"penyibuknya aku ni"

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Love Retard~


With the name of Allah....

love is in the air..yes its me!.
at that day, im asking u...
are u serious ?
then u answered me..yes i am...

i keep asking u.
because i know human feeling is just temporary
no mortal lives will live on earth...
and so the  feeling of human being T.T

i dont know how long u'll wait...
i dont know how long will the feel remain
but as long as i learn to love
i will learn to keep the feeling deep inside my heart..

no promises i could give..
no word i could express..
i long as u keep it..
ill keep it same as u!

i read so many love story,
and i hate to read it more..
the more i know about sweet men,
the less i feel to love u..

then i decide not to live in fantasies
fantasies kill my real feel..
prevailing the true feeling..
and i know, love is still in my <3 p="">

for u, for us
im just hoping 
Allah granted our wishes..
as i wished same as u..
and hoping u to wish same as me..

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

SAD ..~~


today... i just finish one test..OPM...which is quality management...

tonight..another shot for Farm test....

for all this just playing game...going out....and i do some revisions..

but the thing sooo totally blur for what have i done just now...

i dont know how to answer..i dont know how to elaborate.......

im just sooo sad...but i just can express it..

this is a life as student i guess...

so end today... <3 br="">

Monday, November 4, 2013

Azam tahun baru 1435 H


Salam Hijrah 1435...

i dont know what exactly i wanna say...
because all of sudden my brain ask my fingers to open my blog...
im not a good blogger..i promise to myself to write at least some sentences for every day..but i couldnt make it...

and today..after having a awake...
and i just dont do anything instead of opening my laptop and doing nothing...

 i think of these for this new year...

i just wanna pray that..i hope my journey will run smooth as i wish..
otherwise, i know that Allah put me in such condition for some reasons..
and i hope to be more acceptance for everything that will happen sooner or later...
to succeed in life is everyone wish, so do i am...

to be a wealthy woman and to marry with it....i dont need
to be a healthy person...i hope im wearing it...
stay health and educated...

educated? yes...reading..anything other than love story...
everyone..could u agree with me that love story is messing around on TV drama today..
i just dont want to have such feeling like "wah, i want this kind of men,soo sweeettt"
because of that im hoping more from a partner of mine soon...
u know like, to be romantic that is not soo him...(ok , out of topic!!)

and i just wanna see both my parent happy..
seeing  the smile from them both, wll make me happier...

last but not least..
i wanna get married! and im serious!