Thursday, October 20, 2011
anak Orang Kaya
lagu ni saya modify dari lgu jimmy palikat "anak kampung"..
and kami nyanyi bersama2 dengan kawan2 sy..which are fazilah and eyra awang...enjoy!!!
mase ni kiteorg bosan sangat sampai lah tercetus idea sy nak buat lg ni..
selamat mendengar..!!
Monday, October 17, 2011
the CUPID of LOVE~
With da name of Allah..i begin my new update today again..
life is dull without laugh and cheers..^^
so do i am...
i create my own well as i cheers my friends story...
i love the way i you are?...
but life without do we live together??
so i create my own LOVE story.....ok..i have my own love story...
with stress and depress....ignore all the unpleasant things...
although test and assignment is waiting to be done...
i dont know how much i dont CARE?
it about i am about getting INSANE through all day long...
but i have my own way to settle it...together with my friends...
so i play CUPID OF LOVE..
you know how interesting it is to be played??
dude!..she is a friend of mine........
ok before that i want to describe our life here...
we just live "here" about 1 months and half..
we just have our new buddies...
we are in the process of adopting with this new environment...
in a nutshell... everything is just new....
the story begin:::
we met a guy... our 1st impression towards him is terrible...
he is not fashionable at all..
he is not a handsome guy...
he is not our taste!..
huh...we are not categorize as "high taste girls" ok...but it just our 1st IMPRESSION..
as the time pass....we always judge him because of his terrible hair style...
one day..he is change...he has his new hairstyle!
and from that day..our opinion towards him change...
he is a cute guy actually!!...
but the things is..this guys always "play hide and seek" with her(the friend of mine)..
hahaha...meaning that...i just caught he look at her often..
so me and my friend (another friend..i call her LANG..)
we are about to make them to fall in love to each other...
so now both of them already communicate to each other..
as before this..both of them are soo quiet...Never talk to each other...
this is a good progression dude!..and i wondering when we are talking (just a short chit chat) with him..he look at her more than he look at us...whoa...what does it mean????
me and Lang will be the CUPID OF LOVE and we will see the progression later...
we create a "bridge" to connect them...
as for that we hope that they will meet and communicate by using the bridge that we made...
ok.. the story of them..i paused here...
i will share another story of them...
this is because this story of love is just begin...
and this entertain me so much...
hope to see them to be together!!!
life is dull without laugh and cheers..^^
so do i am...
i create my own well as i cheers my friends story...
i love the way i you are?...
but life without do we live together??
so i create my own LOVE story.....ok..i have my own love story...
with stress and depress....ignore all the unpleasant things...
although test and assignment is waiting to be done...
i dont know how much i dont CARE?
it about i am about getting INSANE through all day long...
but i have my own way to settle it...together with my friends...
so i play CUPID OF LOVE..

you know how interesting it is to be played??
dude!..she is a friend of mine........
ok before that i want to describe our life here...
we just live "here" about 1 months and half..
we just have our new buddies...
we are in the process of adopting with this new environment...
in a nutshell... everything is just new....
the story begin:::
we met a guy... our 1st impression towards him is terrible...
he is not fashionable at all..
he is not a handsome guy...
he is not our taste!..
huh...we are not categorize as "high taste girls" ok...but it just our 1st IMPRESSION..
as the time pass....we always judge him because of his terrible hair style...
one day..he is change...he has his new hairstyle!
and from that day..our opinion towards him change...
he is a cute guy actually!!...
but the things is..this guys always "play hide and seek" with her(the friend of mine)..
hahaha...meaning that...i just caught he look at her often..
so me and my friend (another friend..i call her LANG..)
we are about to make them to fall in love to each other...
so now both of them already communicate to each other..
as before this..both of them are soo quiet...Never talk to each other...
this is a good progression dude!..and i wondering when we are talking (just a short chit chat) with him..he look at her more than he look at us...whoa...what does it mean????
me and Lang will be the CUPID OF LOVE and we will see the progression later...
we create a "bridge" to connect them...
as for that we hope that they will meet and communicate by using the bridge that we made...
ok.. the story of them..i paused here...
i will share another story of them...
this is because this story of love is just begin...
and this entertain me so much...
hope to see them to be together!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011
Saya Main Badminton^^
Alkisah nak di jadikan story dory...satu hari saya dan kawan2 pegi jalan2 d bandar...terjumpalah saya dengan set untuk main badminton tang bgtau ngan kawan2..diorng suma excited laa..sebab kitaorg dah lama sangat tak main badminton ni..jadi kami pun belilah set untuk main badminton itu....murah je ponnnn...
pas tu bila dah sampai kitaorg plan nak main badminton tu petang nanti...hmm...sangat2 xsabar laaaa...almaklumlaaa...dah lama dah tak main....bertambah2la excited....kekeke...
setelah berkulat kami menunggu...akhirnya jam menunjukkan pukul 5.30 petang...dengan semangat ang berkobar2...kami turun la di bawah...kami tak la pegi court yang sebenar..kami main kampung2 jee...almaklum laa..malu nak show off badminton murahan ni...
saya dan 3 lagi kawan ada seorng satu la raket..dengan lafaz bismillah..kami pun main dengan seronoknya...tetiba kawan seorng ni pukul shuttle tu..tapi tak pula shuttle tu terbang balik wahal mmg kami nampak bola shuttle tu dia dah smash dah...rupa2nya..shuttle tu tersangkut la pulak d raket dia...tali badminton pula putus...jadi untu mengelakkan tali tu merebak labih banyak..we ol pun ikat la tali yang putus tu...
pastu..saya pula makin lama..makin bersemangat la pulak main..sampaikan bola dah nak jatuh di atas jalan raya saya masih berusaha nak pukul....tapi bila saya berusaha nak pukul..badan pula tak dapat diseimbangkan...dah la jatuh tersungkur..tergolek2 lagi di atas jalan raya dah INJURED....huhu..nasib baik seluar sy tak koyak...lutut je la yg luka..mmg sangat sakit..dan setelah lama saya tak rasa kesakitan yg begini..akhirnya sy merasainya kembali...huhu...nasiblah badan..tapi saya buat2 cool je..sbb rasa excited nak main melebihi segala2nya....nasib baik orang tak nampak...haha..kalau tak..MALU BESAR saya!!!
okey2...hari tu..memang hari yang terluka.....dan seorang lagi kawan sy pulak putus tali raket...jadi dua orang kawan sy punya raket PUTUS talinya.......
keesokan harinya...seluruh badan saya sakit2..OMG!
enough here i hand and my kaki masih sakit2 uhuk2...(^_^)
Alkisah nak di jadikan story dory...satu hari saya dan kawan2 pegi jalan2 d bandar...terjumpalah saya dengan set untuk main badminton tang bgtau ngan kawan2..diorng suma excited laa..sebab kitaorg dah lama sangat tak main badminton ni..jadi kami pun belilah set untuk main badminton itu....murah je ponnnn...
pas tu bila dah sampai kitaorg plan nak main badminton tu petang nanti...hmm...sangat2 xsabar laaaa...almaklumlaaa...dah lama dah tak main....bertambah2la excited....kekeke...
setelah berkulat kami menunggu...akhirnya jam menunjukkan pukul 5.30 petang...dengan semangat ang berkobar2...kami turun la di bawah...kami tak la pegi court yang sebenar..kami main kampung2 jee...almaklum laa..malu nak show off badminton murahan ni...
saya dan 3 lagi kawan ada seorng satu la raket..dengan lafaz bismillah..kami pun main dengan seronoknya...tetiba kawan seorng ni pukul shuttle tu..tapi tak pula shuttle tu terbang balik wahal mmg kami nampak bola shuttle tu dia dah smash dah...rupa2nya..shuttle tu tersangkut la pulak d raket dia...tali badminton pula putus...jadi untu mengelakkan tali tu merebak labih banyak..we ol pun ikat la tali yang putus tu...
pastu..saya pula makin lama..makin bersemangat la pulak main..sampaikan bola dah nak jatuh di atas jalan raya saya masih berusaha nak pukul....tapi bila saya berusaha nak pukul..badan pula tak dapat diseimbangkan...dah la jatuh tersungkur..tergolek2 lagi di atas jalan raya dah INJURED....huhu..nasib baik seluar sy tak koyak...lutut je la yg luka..mmg sangat sakit..dan setelah lama saya tak rasa kesakitan yg begini..akhirnya sy merasainya kembali...huhu...nasiblah badan..tapi saya buat2 cool je..sbb rasa excited nak main melebihi segala2nya....nasib baik orang tak nampak...haha..kalau tak..MALU BESAR saya!!!
okey2...hari tu..memang hari yang terluka.....dan seorang lagi kawan sy pulak putus tali raket...jadi dua orang kawan sy punya raket PUTUS talinya.......
keesokan harinya...seluruh badan saya sakit2..OMG!
- Belilah barangan yang standard sikit harganya denga jenis barang yang hendak dibeli...
- warm up dulu sebelum excercise..
- pakai kasut yang sesuai...(kasut yang saya pakai masa tu longgar,tak selesa nak bergerak)..
enough here i hand and my kaki masih sakit2 uhuk2...(^_^)
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