Tuesday, November 9, 2010

i just think....

Alhamdulillah..thanks to Allah who give me chance to write something here...

since the exam has finished..i've watched 6 movies at all...which are::

  • the matrix (reloaded and revolution)
guess what is this story telling us????hurm..quite weird..look for urself and thnk about it...

  • Raju Chacha(hindi film)
it is about a rich man who had died by being murdered...and left 2sons, and 1 daughter behind..this story is very touch and sad...i saw this with my friend and both of them are crying tau...n i've watched it before..

  • the red shoes (horror film)
this story is about the red shoes..the owner of the shoe is murdered and her spirit is restless..

  • case 39(horror and thriller)
this is the best among the sixth movie that i've watched..

  • kamekaze girl (japanese film)
quite bored but FUNNY!!!..


countdown:::1 more day...
hepi becomiing birthdaycdear...hope that u'll grow up better than today and our relationship be blessed by ALLAH...

today i to go out with my colleague..but i can't..just wanna save my $$$ as long as i can sorry my dear friends...hope all of u enjoy ur day!!

muet will be around..uh ~oh...im quite scared...can i make it ????as my frend(secondary school) said "mun ada usaha, bole ya"..hehehe....

i just thought of this problem;::::why man married 2 times???(let talk about it later)

sorry for talking nonsense and boring stuffs...because i really boring this time and i can't thnk of something interesting.....k la end of my story from yesterday till now...

Monday, November 8, 2010



Thank to Allah who create us and give us many gift and luxuries...

i oredy get the answer!!!!..i do not go back..yesterday i called my bapa and he said.."if u dont hv any problem or any task to do, u dont hv to go back"..in my mind..hurm that is true..all my barang2 will be taken by my cousin..so everythng is complete....i just waste their money for goin back only for 3 days ..1 day pergi, 1 day rest, and another 1 day im goin back...hurm..wat do u thnk?????

i was thankful..altough it is very painful..but deep in my heart..i was very happy...
guess waT????hm...lets talk bout it another time..i just want to express my happiness only...
(buang karan ja kan??kuikuikui)

today will be the movie day for us...watcha~~~~~...

hurm my insentif makanan not yet given la...i dun la how they manage it..but i know this is the second time this problem occur....but WHY?????im not bill gate's daughter..my bapa is only a farmer...huhu..pity me???really.LOL..

i amused myself for eating only once a day...haha..im happy...but im hungry.=((
it is no use if im hungry babe!!!...

today i learn that..everythng we hv is because of Allah kindness...not man, not angel, nor jin neither lucifer...only ALLAH..

countdown :::2 days left...<<<
yesterday i send some of my things to his house.thank you dear for giving some space for my nonsense stuffs in ur house...and we are having our lunch...nyam~~~~~~~~~...

i've finished watching the ARRIVAL...the arriaval of antrichrist, Imam Mahdi and the arrival of our prophet Isa A.S...it up to u guys to believe it or not..but i thnk i believe that..all the fact from Holy Quran is stated...insyaAllah..i'll search another..in im watching the matrix too..the film that always been showed in the arrival ..hehehe...

actually i miss my mum n bapa...i love both them..mwah....

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I love u lappy~~

Alhamdulillah~~Exam suda habes....
harap2 la dpt result yg bgs n cemerlang ..amin..
doakan eyhan ya,..

all the rules i made before is expired oredy!! hehehe..
but i hope i still can reduce the time i spend wif my lappy...
i love my lappyso much..mwah3..lappy..hehehe

wlupun lappy xsecantik dan sehensem org len..p eyhan ttp syg lappy...
lappy da buat bnyk berjasa dengan eyhan..

BTW eyhan pening lorh..mau balik tuk hntr brng or xpaya balik??huhuhuh..
mau balik la..hm..kita tgu n lihat ja la...
kita???no..me only babe...

m..guys...i really wanna change,,..
i dun want to be like me "before" but i want to be better than ever!!..
bole ke???INSYAALLAH..kita hanya merancang..tp Allah yg tentukan segala nya...
tp...ikita pun perlu ada kekuatan iman...

actually i was wondering..how people can success in their life..me????
hurm..i dunno la...may be they have more effort that me huh???

wah..i cant stop myself from seeing any foods,,
i shud join the biggest loser program may b...^^
hahaha..LOL..i rather go jog n dun take any heavy meal at nite..or else dont take any meal AT ALL!!

hurm...one day before QMT paper im goin out tauu..at that time we eat McD..then cont. mam d pizza..huh...sgt2 fatty oready..nasib baek nama ini bukan fatimah..klu x..may be org panggil sy pun MISS FATTY...hehehe (klu ade org yg namanya fatimah jgn marah yek??)...

im not a gud girl..yes..i know it very clear....
i've changed...change soooo much!!!!
but still im still me..

Tuesday, November 2, 2010



aku ingin kau tau..

aku sangat sayang padamu..

namun aku tau..

ada DIA yang lebih sayangkan kau..

ku ingin kau hargai..

setiap pemberian ikhlas dari ku..

walau tidak sehebat pemberian NYA..

kerana segala yang ku punya..

adalah milik NYA..

ku ingin kau melihat..

cantiknya paras wajah ku..

namun harus kau tau..

sesungguhnya DIA lebih cantik dari aku..

ku ingin kau tau..

aku ingin menjadi sempurna..

agar kau bangga denganku...

namun aku akur..

DIA lebih sempurna dari aku..

ku ingin kau berbicara...

agar setiap lafaz terselit kalimah cinta yang agung..

walau bukan untuk diriku...

namun ketahuilah..

cinta NYA lebih agung dari ku..

aku ingin kau tau..

aku hanya insan biasa..

kenapa mesti aku yang kau pilih??

sedangkan ada DIA yang lebih penyayang..

aku ingin kau tau...

aku tak mampu mendampingimu setiap saat dan waktu..

namun kau harus tau..

DIA sentiasa bersamamu..

akhir coretan..

aku ingin menyayangi mu..

seikhlas dan tulus hati ku...

namun aku harap kau tidak keberatan..

agar aku mau DIA ada bersama kita.

YA ALLAH...sesungguhnya..kamilah yang mengemis cinta dan sayang MU...

kami la pencuri..yang sentiasa CUBA mencuri waktu untuk bersamamu...

adakalnya kami gagal...kadang kami berjaya..

namun kami tidak KUAT tanpa petunjuk MU...

berilah kami kekuatan..dalam setiap langah kami..

sesungguhnya hidup dan mati kami hanya..

kepadamu jua~~~