all the best for me...
semoga Allah permudah kan perjalanan kami..
sempat2 g mau post sikit..hehehe
btw i hv my own rule...
which is i cannot and shud not open my lappy but still i can open it after subuh praying and still hv exception for some reasons which are:::
- i use it for study purpose
- sunday
- i have su,mting important to do

i just dun kno how to stop myself from playing games inside it..
that is y i force myself to stop facing to my lappy for almost everytime and everyday...
i just can't wait the exam to stress!!!huhuhuhu....wat the life..
but i hv to..for my future...and other people future too^^
at the day i was listening to the radio and it is maher zain's song...!!!
deep in my heart i fall in love wif him...waaa...his song is sooo touching..
n im sure almost all malaysian people is just same like me...
i hv downloaded all his song!!
gain weight ...!!!
for everyday, i eat almost all the time!!that is y i gain my weight...
all people say " ehan i c u makin besar la" waa wat the...
xmengapa i diet la pas ni...but evrytime we plan to jog, meti hujan turun..
mcm x mau ja i diet ni...huhuhuhu
Alhamdulillah, i hv new passion..
but it is too private to share with..
just pray for me, so that i can achieve it...
i love myself so much...
but i do love all people who love me...
i like to create a poem...if i hv much time..i'll share...
ow ya..i just watch The Arrival...{do u ever watch it????}
but still in progress...insyaAllah by the time this exam is finished...i'll continue watching it...
last but not least..this is all about me...i just me the imperfect girl....